Learning With Physical Activity at Home is Possible (Here's How) Webinar Announcement!
I am excited to announce that Montessori Physical Education, in association with Guidepost Montessori, will be discussing how to incorporate and integrate physical education into the home classroom setting. Plus, the webinar is free! Here are the details:
6/17 at 11 AM ET, 12 PM MT, 1 PM CT, 2 PM ET
Elementary: Learning With Physical Activity at Home is Possible (Here’s How)
with Nicolas Lepine
Sign Up
Key Takeaways
*Some children are naturally drawn to physical activity. We can coax students who are not.
*Some students learn best when they are moving
*Children thrive when they learn holistically.
*Integration has tremendous benefits and is the key to success.
If you have been reading my blogs recently on integrated PE in the home setting, and would like to learn more about the process, as well as have the opportunity to directly ask me questions in person (through the internet), this is the perfect opportunity to do so through this webinar.
Did I mention it was free!?
I am not only excited to present on this topic, but also through an online platform like this webinar series. I have presented at conferences physically in person, and I have had great success and learned a lot from those experiences. What’s exciting about this webinar is that some of the biggest constraints for attendees of the traditional conference set up, like specific locations, as well as presentation space constraints, are now gone. I am able to reach a lot more people directly, and I am hoping that you take advantage.
Thank you to Guidepost Montessori, and I hope to see you on June 17th!