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Adaptation Obstacle Course

Adaptation Obstacle Course


During the Second Great lesson (Coming of Life), students focus most of their study on different timelines, especially in lower elementary. When considering the origins of life and the large variety of life on Earth, one must investigate the role of mutation and adaption. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution does an excellent job of describing how organisms have mutations as they reproduce. Sometimes, these mutations give an advantage over similar organisms. An advantage means a better chance that the mutation will be passed on, and slowly that advantageous mutation becomes a permanent adaption to the environment. Over time, new species of an organism develop when differences between the original species become vast.

The students will play an obstacle course game where the obstacles become more difficult the farther the student gets. Each student will only be equipped with specific movement patterns per obstacle. Through random selection (coin flip), students may receive an adaptation that may help them.


·      An ample open space (such as a gym or field)

·      Deck(s) of playing cards

·      Cones

·      Gymnastics mat if playing inside

·      Coins

·      Timer

·      Long jump ropes if outside


Minimum Number of Students Needed: One student at home can play this game if they have all the resources. However, it can accommodate many more depending on the playing area.

Age: All Ages

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