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 What Teachers Are Saying

This was a great resource for my classroom! Thank you!
— Lindsay F (TpT Seller)
This is a fun activity to work with students on reviewing concepts.
— Jamie E
Exactly what I needed. Super helpful.
— Laura H.
My students enjoyed this game! It’s a great way to connect to our studies!
— Shandrea T
Fun and easy to use!
— Hannah L
My students loved doing these activities. They came back to the classroom full of ideas for how they could respond to the lessons. I’ve told many of my teaching friends about this.
— Elizabeth T
My students adored playing this game. It really enhanced our planet unit and was especially meaningful for my kinetic learners.
— The Absorbent Teacher (TpT seller)
Detailed and well-written Montessori activity lesson for a history related game.
— Cheri S.
Very fun and entertaining lesson!
— Faith D.
My students love these games. I love how they connect with the great stories.
These are perfect games for the children to play that connect to the lessons from the classroom.
— Fiona Q.
Amazing product!
— Embracing Montessori (TpT seller)
Just got started and students are enjoying the activities. Thank you.
— Nancy C.
Thanks for a great resource.
— Patricia C.
Great Lesson!!
— Stephanie L.
Great way to start a conversation and learning.
— Tracy L
I love all of your stuff and we use it a lot here on our campus. Thanks so much!
— Montessori Inspired Lessons (TpT seller)
The children love the games that connect to what they are learning!
— Bridgid B (Namaste Montessori School)
This site has been an integral part of aiding my understanding of Elementary Montessori PE!
— Erin S (Feedback = Free Lesson)
This lesson was so good for my students. Thank you so much.
— Michelle P
I was able to alter this resource to meet my needs based on my specific state standards.
— Jene'e F