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Global Trade

Global Trade


Global trade is a complex topic to understand. How countries do business with each other has become very complex, especially with the advent of multinational corporations. One decision can cause a trade war with one country while spurring the economies of another. This game is a microcosm for these types of dealings. How the player nations interact with each other directly influences how successful they are in the game. This game works well with any studies of modern governments or economies, as well as studies of world conflicts.


·      A large open is preferable. However, if needed, this game can be played in a smaller area, like a classroom.

·      Lots (over 200 pieces) of colored blocks (Legos) with as many different colors as teams play during the game.

·      Various sports equipment (optional)

o   For the mining and extraction process of the game, students can do an exercise like push-ups or sit-ups, which would not require any equipment. However, you could practice a sport-specific skill like juggling a soccer ball, bumping a volleyball, shooting baskets, etc. An interesting idea would be to have different sports skills per team and let the teams decide which skill to do for resource acquisition.


Minimum Amount of Students Needed: This game works best with an entire classroom of twenty or more but could be played with a class of six.

Age: Upper elementary and middle school

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