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Heat and Pressure

Heat and Pressure


The ideal gas law describes the relationship between air pressure and temperature, which states that pressure is directly proportional to temperature. As temperature increases, so does air pressure, assuming all other variables remain constant. Conversely, as temperature decreases, air pressure also decreases. Pressure is the measurement of the number of collisions the gas molecules have with the container.

The relationship between water pressure and temperature is generally as the temperature of water increases, its pressure also tends to increase. The heat causes water molecules to move around more rapidly, increasing pressure. However, at very high temperatures, water can undergo a phase change from liquid to gas, which can cause a significant pressure drop as the liquid turns to steam. In a closed system, water will not boil; instead, the pressure will increase inside the container. This is the basis for how pressure cookers work.

The relationship between heat and air and heat and water are similar in that both air and water experience an increase in pressure when heated, assuming all other variables remain constant. This is because heat causes the molecules in both air and water to move around more rapidly, increasing pressure. However, there are also significant differences in the relationship between heat and air and heat and water. For example, the rate at which air and water heat up and the point at which they undergo a phase change vary significantly. In air, as heat is added, the temperature increases relatively quickly, and the air remains in a gaseous state. In water, however, the rate at which it heats up is slower, and at a certain point, it undergoes a phase change from liquid to gas. This phase change causes a significant decrease in pressure. Overall, while there are similarities in the relationship between heat and air and heat and water in terms of pressure, there are also significant differences due to their unique properties and characteristics.

In this game, your students will play a tag variant first as air molecules and then later as water molecules. The games have similar principles in that the balls represent heat. When more heat is introduced into the system, it increases the pressure, which will be visible by the increased movement of the students in the air game. In the water version of the game, the students will be water molecules in a pressure cooker. As the game progresses and some turn to steam, we will see how the steam players increase the pressure by moving the heat faster through the pot.



·      An ample open space

·      Several soft dodgeballs in colors associated with heat (yellow, orange, red)

·      Four cones


Minimum Number of Students Needed: This game could be played with four or five students, but the effects won't be as visible until you have a large class size. The playing area should be proportional to the number of students you have. I would put a class size of twenty in a volleyball court-size rectangle (60ft x 30ft).

Age: All Ages

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