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Digestive System

Digestive System


The digestive system is one of the most critical systems of our body. Its primary function is to take the food we ingest and break it down to convert it into chemical energy. The digestive system is crucial to our survival, and a healthy functioning digestive system can bring health and well-being. Problems with the digestive system can range from upset stomach and diarrhea to terrible chronic diseases. The primary function of this lesson is to get the students to see how our body takes food and breaks it into smaller pieces at each stage of the digestive system, from the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.


·      Many building blocks (Legos, for example) with seven different colors.

o   Protein – Red (Like red meat)

o   Fat – Yellow (Like butter)

o   Carbs – White (Like sugar)

o   Fiber – Brown (Like brown rice, but the brown color will also serve as the color of feces at the end of the game)

o   Vitamins – Green (Like veggies that contain lots of vitamins)

o   Minerals – Grey (Like metal)

o   Water – Blue

·      Jump Rope (longer the better)

·      Hula-hoops (at least four)


Minimum Number of Students Needed: This game needs a minimum of fourteen students to play and works better with an entire class (20+).

Age: All Ages  

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