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Matter Versus Antimatter

Matter Versus Antimatter


The First Great Lesson starts with the Big Bang. Traditionally, the students learn that all the matter and energy in existence was released during that time. However, we understand that it was not just matter and energy released into existence but antimatter. Antimatter can be explained as a mirror image of matter but with a different configuration (i.e., a right hand versus a left hand). When matter and antimatter interact, they neutralize each other and create energy.

Mathematically, there should have been an exact amount of matter to antimatter. However, like a division problem with a remainder, some matter remained during matter and antimatter neutralizing (there is a tiny amount of antimatter too, but much less than matter). This mathematically insignificant amount of leftover matter would eventually amount to all the matter we know in the known universe (which is a tremendous amount). This is the miracle of the creation of the universe; mathematically, it should not have happened, but lots of little amounts can certainly add up!


  • An ample open space (such as a gym or field)

  • Something to show a boundary of play (cones)


Minimum Amount of Students Needed: While this game could be played with as few as three students, it would be much more fun with an entire class (20+).

Ages: All Ages (intended more for upper elementary)

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