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Percent Tag (Floor is Lava)

Percent Tag (Floor is Lava)


The core concept of understanding percent is that it is a fraction. In a percent, the denominator is always out of one hundred. The word percent can be easily analyzed when separated into parts. Per means out of, and cent is one hundred, which makes out of one hundred. For students just learning percentages, we want to appeal to concrete math materials they already know. The game is arranged so that rubber disc dots replicate a hundred beads, which they have seen for years. The students will remove these dots during the game as players are tagged, which will serve as the score of the tagger. By the end of the game, we hope they realize that their score is also a percent!

If your students love tag and the popular children’s game The Floor is Lava, they will love this game that will secretly teach them about percentages!


·      An ample open space

o   This game works better in a gym where you can place a small piece of Painter’s tape on the ground, and it will stay put

·      One hundred rubber disc dots

·      One pool noodle

· Painter’s tape


Minimum Number of Students Needed: Two students can theoretically play this game, but they would quickly become exhausted. A better number of students would be closer to ten students, while an entire class would be the most fun.

Age: All Ages

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