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Six Kingdoms of Life

Six Kingdoms of Life


When I ask the students what the six kingdoms of life are, they will frequently list things like fish, birds, reptiles, and so on. It became apparent to me that when the students think of life, they naturally think of animals. However, there is so much more to life than just animals. Even when the students remember that plants are part of the six kingdoms, they also forget about all the microscopic organisms and fungi. Fungi are the Earth's most excellent decomposers! Bacteria can be vital for our health or can be highly deadly! Protists can be friends or foes. There is so much more to the kingdoms of life than just animals.

In this game, the students will play within an ecosystem that shows how fungi, bacteria and protists, plants, and animals interact. No one is ever out in this game, so they will get plenty of opportunities to play. As the students switch roles in the game, they will see the variety of life within the ecosystem and how they all depend on each other.


·      A large playing area (either a gym or field outside)

·      Hula hoops

·      Lots of small balls (dodgeballs or tennis balls work well)

·      Lots of jerseys (with at least four different colors)

o   Blue - Fungi

o   Yellow – animals

o   Green – Good bacteria/protists

o   Red – Bad bacteria/protists


Minimum Amount of Students: To play this game effectively, you would need at least eight students to play. This game works even better with an entire class of 20+.

Age: Best for lower elementary, but can be enjoyed by upper elementary as well.

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