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One of the most iconic natural phenomena on Earth is a volcanic eruption. Humans have always been in awe of volcanoes and for a good reason. Their destructive capabilities are fearsome, whether from the lava flow or the ash cloud that can reach for miles. Stories and myths from thousands of years ago center on the destructive capability of volcanoes. Yet, for all their destructive power, we live on them! Volcanoes bring nutrient-rich matter, which changes soil composition. After the destruction, there is tremendous regrowth in an area hit by lava flow. Humans live on volcanoes, especially in archipelagos around Asia and Oceania, because the lush flora and fauna are supported through the regrowth after the volcano's destructive force. In addition, the igneous stone obsidian is a prized possession for many cultures and is made from volcanic activity.

Students love volcanoes, whether learning about lava and eruptions or making model volcanoes themselves. With this fun and exciting lesson, students can live out their fantasy of creating an eruption while simultaneously reinforcing the concepts and terminology of volcanoes.


·      A large playing area (gym or outside)

o   If you are playing outside, you will need lots of cones to make a circle around the bouncy apparatuses

·      Several trampolines, bungee chairs, or ricochet nets

·      A large number of Dodgeballs or tennis balls (whatever bounces better and higher of your materials)

·      Jerseys or pennies for the students to wear (the colors should be red and blue, preferably)

·      A container for the dodgeballs or bouncy balls


Minimum Number of Students: You can play this with as few as two students, but it is so fun with larger classes (20+)

Age: All Ages

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