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This lesson will teach the students about the parts of a wavelength. The wavelength is the distance between identical points in the wave. We often measure the distance between the highest point of two crests. The opposite of a crest is a trough. The amplitude is the distance between the crest and the trough.

The wavelength and the frequency are inversely related. This means that a long wavelength has a short frequency, and a short wavelength has an extended frequency. Suppose we are talking about a light wave. In that case, the wavelength is usually associated with color, while the amplitude is related to brightness. The shorter wavelength is a higher frequency and pitch if we talk about sound. In comparison, the longer the wavelength, the lower frequency, and pitch. We can see many wavelength variability along the electromagnetic spectrum, including heat and radio waves.

In this game, the students will make waves with a big tug-of-war or jump rope. Teams are trying to pass their ball through the wave's amplitude as it travels from one side to the other to gain an advantage in the game. This game can spice up sports like basketball or soccer by making the students perform a difficult skill to get the game started.


·      A long tug-of-war rope

o   A couple of long jump ropes tied together could work too

·      If you are playing basketball:

o   At least two basketballs

o   At least one basketball hoop (two is the best)

·      If you are playing soccer

o   At least two soccer balls

o   At least one small portable goal



Minimum Number of Students Needed: You need at least six to play this game.

Age: Upper Elementary and Middle School

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