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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from Montessori Physical Education!

To celebrate, we are having a sale starting today that runs all the way through Cyber Monday. When you enter the promo code "Thanksgiving," you will receive fifty percent off your order! There will also be a sitewide sale on our Teachers Pay Teachers store on November 26th-27th, and twenty percent will automatically be deducted at checkout. This is a great option for those who are looking for individual lessons.

We will not have our normal blogpost this weekend due to the holiday, but we are featuring our biggest discounts ever! If you have been on the fence, now is the best time to try out our unique lessons for your class. Check out the great products we have in our store:

First Great Lesson Collection

Second Great Lesson Collection

Third, Fourth, and Fifth Great Lesson Collection

The Great Lesson Collection (First though Five in one bundle)

Human Body Experiments Collection

Montessori Physical Education Volume One

The Great Lesson Bundles have been some of our most popular products on our TpT store, so they will be included on our website store as well. The best value is the Great Lesson collection, which is priced even cheaper than the TpT store. Combine that with the Thanksgiving discount, and this is the best time to purchase lessons for your classroom!

Next week we will continue with our normal blog posts. A big thank you to everyone who has been reading, liking, and sharing them with others. I appreciate all the feedback; it means a lot to me.

Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving!
