Slowly improving Instagram page montessoriphysicaleducation
Clock of Eras
A Response to the Washington Post
Improve Capture the Flag with One Simple Trick
The Mesoamerican Ball Game
The Mesoamerican ballgame still endures with the play of uluma, which is not only a testament to the importance of the game in ancient times, but also reflects the dedication of modern people to keep its tradition alive. If your class is studying Mesoamerican cultures, it would behoove you to play this game in your physical education class to enrich their experience and connect them to the culture in a way that only sport can.
Native American Lacrosse and Stickball
Mini-games > One Large Game
The War of Art
“When someone shares their gift, they literally make the world a little better. It is impossible to measure the contribution that your work will impart, but even if it makes one person’s life better, it was worth it. The best part is that the production of the work makes the creators life fulfilling too. Obviously, the more people we reach with our gifts, the bigger the positive influence we create in the world. This is why teaching is such a vital profession. Like a chain reaction, every positive impact we have with our students pays it forward. If we are the reason someone else finds their calling, we are indirectly responsible for all the good that person brings to fruition. As this school year is coming to an end, take a moment to appreciate the good work that you are doing, and to realize that the world is becoming a better place because of you.”